Success Stories
Mobil Success Stories
Discover how Mobil™ lubrication solutions have helped customers across industries achieve new heights in productivity, environmental care and safety.
Mobiltherm 605 saves L.E. 702896.7 by saving lubricant cost and provides better protection for equipment
Hesni Textiles is using a mineral Mobiltherm 605 as as heat transfer oil in the lubrication of their boiler. The current used oil is running for 43200 hours. By using Signum oil analysis we extend the ODI of the lubricant to 93600 hours
Mobilgrease XHP 222 Helped GPS extend re-greasing interval, decrease bearings temperature by 5°C & save 5316 EGP/Year
GPS was using Mobilux EP 2 in bearings lubrication.
Bearings average temperature was 48°C & re-greasing was done every 600 hours, re-greasing quantity was 122.5 KG for each bearing. Bearings were exposed to direct water ingress.
GPS Team aim was to optimize re-greasing quantity used & decrease overall maintenance cost.
Mobil SHC saves L.E 259000 by saving production loss,lubricant, labor & filter cost*, provides better protection for equipment.
Faragtex was using Mobilgear 600 XP 150 as gearbox oil in the lubrication of all gearboxes. Customer used to drain oil every 3600 hours. The customer needed to extend drain interval to decrease operational cost.
DTE 20 Series saves L.E 361726 by saving production downtime losses, lubricant cost*and provides better protection for equipment.
EL Zeina is using a mineral oil Mobil DTE 25 as a hydraulic oil in the lubrication of hydraulic pump. Previously as per OEM recommendation the cusotjmer used to drain the oil at 7200 hours.